
My name is Vineet Sepaha.
Over 14 years ago, I barely knew what to do if someone handed me a deck of cards. One day, I was sitting at my lunch table and one of my friends pulled out a deck of cards.. and that changed my life. He showed me ONE card trick and I became obsessed with magic.

As I learned more, I realized that I loved cardistry. So for a while I stuck with cardistry and just doing some small magic on the side. When I showed people cardistry, they always said, "WOW THAT'S AMAZING... Can you do a magic trick?". That's when I realized, why limit myself to one or the other? Let's make them both happen!

Over the next couple of years, everyone that I did magic for was completely BLOWN AWAY. For me, it was the look on their faces, like the way a child's face looks when going to Disney for the very first time. When I saw that look on their faces, I knew that this is what I love doing! BUT what I realized is that if I can help other people perform and get the same reactions that I got, they would love performing magic as well!

Everyone that really wanted to know how a trick was done, I told them, shared the secrets, broke the magician's code. Why? Because I think magic is an art that is meant to be shared. And that's why I started up a YouTube channel. So we could build a community of magicians who help bring amusementjoy and a sense of awe to any audience.